Instituto Oncoguia was launched in 2003 as the Oncoguia Portal, a website with the mission of sharing quality information about cancer. The website was so successful that it quickly became a reference tool for patients and caregivers to learn more about their cancer diagnosis and receive up to date oncology news. To this day, the Oncoguia website remains an important resource to educate the community, amplify the patient voice, and complement the patient centered programs led by Oncoguia.Â
Then, in 2009, psycho-oncologist Luciana Holtz de C. Barros, founded Instituto Oncoguia as a registered non-profit in Brazil. With the support of patients and the oncology community, Oncoguia works to help patients with cancer live longer and better lives through increasing access to quality information, health education, patient support services, patients’ rights, and advocacy. Instituto Oncoguia achieves these objectives through programs, events, educational campaigns, patient research, and two main interactive platforms: the Oncoguia Portal, an informative and interactive online resource for those seeking accurate and quality information, and the National Support Program for Patients with Cancer, which provides resources and support through a toll-free number.